ZTE Watch Live has been unveiled as a fitness-focussed smartwatch by the Chinese company. The smartwatch has been launched in the home market of China and comes with a colour display. It is touted to deliver up to 21 days of battery life on a single charge. ZTE Watch Live also comes preloaded with 12 sports modes and features an IP68-certified build that is dust- and water-resistant. Additionally, ZTE has provided all-day heart rate monitoring through an inbuilt sensor. ZTE Watch Live also offers sleep tracking and evaluates sleep quality using machine learning algorithms.
ZTE Watch Live price
ZTE Watch Live price has been set at CNY 249 (roughly Rs. 2,800) in China. The smartwatch is initially available for pre-bookings in China through ZTE Mall with a discounted price of CNY 229 (roughly Rs. 2,600) and will start shipping from December 3. There are no official details on whether the ZTE Watch Live will be available in global markets.
ZTE Watch Live specifications
ZTE Watch Live features a 1.3-inch TFT display with 240×240 pixels resolution and touch support. The smartwatch also includes an optical sensor to track blood oxygen saturation and heart rate. For fitness enthusiasts, there are 12 sports modes that can help track activities such as cycling, running, skipping, and walking, among others. The watch is also capable of tracking sleep patterns and providing data on sleep quality.
ZTE has provided Bluetooth 4.2 on the smartwatch to provide wireless connectivity. When paired with a compatible phone, ZTE Watch Live can offer real-time notifications on new messages and voice calls. It can also be used for functions such as music control and remote camera.
Similar to Apple Watch and many smartwatches meant for Android devices, ZTE Watch Live also comes with a sedentary reminder. This helps alert users to get up and move around after a specific time interval.
ZTE Watch Live comes with a user-replaceable wristband that is available in multiple colour options. ZTE also claims that the smartwatch can last between 14 and 21 days on a single charge. It also supports fast charging and is claimed to deliver an all-day battery life with five minutes of charging. The exact battery capacity has not been provided, though. Lastly, the smartwatch measures 40.6×34.6×10.8mm and weighs 35.7 grams.
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