Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS smart TV has been launched in India. The smart TV comes with Amazon Alexa integration that allows users to speak to the TV to play music, ask about the weather, news updates, set alarms and reminders, among other things. The company says that it will also launch 32-inch and 39-inch HD Ready variants in the coming weeks. Apart from that, it also allows users to control Alexa-enabled smart home devices, such as smart ACs.
Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS smart TV price, availability
Daiwa 43-inch D43QFS is now available at an introductory price of Rs. 24,490. It can be purchased from the company’s online store and retail stores. Customers can register their product on ‘My Daiwa’ app to get an additional one year warranty on the panel.
Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS smart TV specifications
Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS features a Full-HD display (1920×1080 pixels resolution) with Quantum Luminit Technology and 1.07 billion colours support for crisp and vivid picture output. The TV comes with dedicated cricket and cinema picture modes as well as 20W stereo box speakers with surround sound. Under the hood, the TV comes equipped with a quad core A53 processor, coupled with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage. The TV runs on Android 8.0-based Big Wall UI.
The Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS smart TV offers access to over 25,00,000 hours of content with Cloud TV certified Apps – Disney+Hotstar, Eros Now, Voot and more. It supports apps like Amazon Prime, Netflix, and YouTube. These apps can also be controlled by a smart remote powered by Alexa.
Apart from voice search support, Disney+Hotstar and Sony LIV apps have dedicated buttons on the remote. There is a mouse button for easy control. The Daiwa 43-Inch D43QFS smart TV has a Content Discovery search engine (CDE), the Daiwa says that the TV gets automatic OTA updates. Connectivity options include three HDMI, two USB ports, Bluetooth and E-Share that helps assist Screen mirroring.
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